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【建议收藏】2019雅思口语备考话题(PART 2)

发表时间:2019-05-28 11:28

让我们大家来到PART 2部分,下面列举的是近期的高频话题内容,我们着重给出了事物类,人物类两大主流话题类型,记住我们平时在课堂上经常强调的得分秘诀:流利+拓展熟悉话题勤加练习

※ 事物类 ※

1. Describe a language you want to learn (not English),You should say:

  • What it is

  • How you would learn it

  • Where you would learn it

  • And why you want to learn the language

(1)What can people do to learn a second language?

(2)What are the difficulties of learning a new language?

(3)Whats the best way to learn a new language?

Is it popular to learn English in your country?

2. Describe a present you receive which was made by hand,You should say:

  • What it was

  • What it was like

  • When you receive it

  • Who gave it to you

  • How you felt about the present

(1)Who do you think would be good at making gifts, boys or girls?

(2)Do you like DIY presents or presents bought in a shop?

(3)Is it popular to give hand-made presents to others in your country?

(4)Do you think expensive gifts are always more valuable than cheap one?

4. Describe a kind of food people eat during a special event,You should say:

  • What it is

  • What event people usually eat it

  • How it is cooked/made

  • Explain why it is for the special event

(1)What kinds of food are good for a party?

(2)Do you think people should eat every meal with their family?

(3)Why do some people grow their own food these days?

5. Describe a piece of good news you heard (from TV or the internet),You should say:

  • What the news was about

  • When you got this news

  • Where you got this news

  • Where you got this news from

  • And explain why you think it was a good piece of news

(1)What kinds of good news do people like to hear?

(2)Why do some people like to share news in social media?

(3)What kinds of news do people in your country like?

(4)How do people in your country get news?

(5)Do you think children should start watching news from a young age?

6. Describe your grandparent’s job,You should say:

  • What it was

  • How long he or she had this job

  • How he or she got the job

  • And whether you would like to have this job

(1)Is it easy to find well-paid jobs in your country?

(2)Do you think it would be beneficial to provide training to employees?

(3)Do you think robots would replace human workers in the future?

(4)What kinds of jobs are difficult to do?

7. Describe a game that you played in your childhood,You should say:

  • What the game was

  • When you played it

  • Who you played it with

  • How you felt about the game

(1)Do parents in your country encourage children to play games?

(2)Do you think winning is the most important goal for playing games?

(3)What kinds of games do children play these days?

(4)Why do people play different kinds of games after they grow up?

8. Describe a subject you used to dislike but now have interest in,You should say:

  • What the subject is

  • Why you disliked it

  • What you are interested in now

  • And explain why you become interested in it

(1)Do you think learning many subject at one time is better or learning one subject is better?

(2)Do you think learning many subjects is beneficial to your work?

(3)What subjects are more practical to learn nowadays?

(4)Do you think all teachers should have entertaining teaching styles?

9. Describe a skill that took you a long time to learn,You should say:

  • What it was

  • When you learned it

  • Why it took you so much time to learn

  • And how you felt about it

(1)What skills may take a long time to learn?

(2)Do people feel happy after they have learned a new skill?

(3)Why are some people unwilling to learn new skills?

(4)Do you think it takes a long time to learn a language?

(5)Why would people spend a lot of time learning one skill?

10. Describe a time that a piece of equipment was broken (such as TV),You should say:

  • What the equipment was

  • When the problem was

  • What you did after it was broken

  • And how you felt about it

(1)What are the common home appliances that people use these days?

(2)When an electronic item of your s does not work, would you repair it or buy a new one?

(3)What can people do to protect their equipment from technical problems?

(4)Do you think modern technology makes people lazier?

(5)Are you good at handling problems on your own?

12. Describe a good law in your country,You should say:

  • What it is

  • How you knew it

  • Who it affects

  • Why you think it is good

(1)Do you think both men and women can be police officers?

(2)Do you think police officers are paid too much?

(3)Is kindness the most important quality of a police officer?

(4)What kind of people can become police officers?

(5)Do all Chinese obey the law?

13. Describe something lost by others but found by you,You should say:

  • Who it belonged to

  • When it was lost

  • How the person lost it

  • How you found it

  • And how you felt about it

(1)What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping collections?

(2)Do people collect thing for maintaining memories?

(3)Why do some people like to collect things?

(4)What do you like to collect?

14. Describe an item you bought but do not often use,You should say:

  • When you bought it

  • Where you bought it

  • Why you bought it

  • And explain why you did not often use it

(1)Do you care about the pollution caused by packaging?

(2)Are you an impulsive customer?

(3)Do people in you country care about waste classification?

(4)How do you deal with items you don’t use anymore?

(5)Do you pay attention to environmental protection?

15. Describe a family business you know,You should say:

  • What the business it

  • How you know it

  • What products it sells

  • Who the customers are

  • And how you like it

(1)Do people in you country like to work for big companies or small companies?

(2)How to be a successful businessman in your country?

(3)Do you think globalization is positive development?

(4)What are the advantages and disadvantages of family business?

16. Describe an important plant in you country,You should say:

  • What it is

  • Where you see it

  • What it looks like

  • Why it is important

(1)Do people in you country like to grow plants at home?

(2)What is the main plant in your country

(3)How do school teach students to grow plants?

(4)Do old people grow plants?

17. Describe a time when you received money as a present,You should say:

  • Who gave it to you

  • When you received it

  • What you did with it

  • How you felt about it

(1)Is it important to teach children how to manage their pocket money?

(2)What do you think of the saying love of money is the root of all evil?

(3)Is it important for children to have a right attitude towards money?

(4)In your country, do parents give money for doing housework?

(5)What kinds of occasions require people to send money as gifts?

※ 人物类 ※

1. Describe someone you would like to study or work with:,You should say:

  • Who this person is

  • How long you have known this person

  • What you have done together

  • And explain why you would like to work/ study with this person

(1)Which one is more important to you at your work, development in work related skills or the recognition from your supervisors?

(2)Do you think managers can be friends with their subordinates?

(3)What kind of people do you like to work with?

2. Describe a teenager you know,You should say:

  • Who this teenager is

  • How you know this teenager

  • What this teenager likes to do

  • Any how you feel about this teenager

(1)Do you think teenagers today are better than those 30 years ago?

(2)What’s the difference between teenagers and children?

(3)What are the differences between teenagers and old people?

(4)How do teenagers treat old people in your country?

3. Describe a person you have seen who is beautiful or handsome,You should say:

  • Who this person is

  • Where you saw this person

  • when you saw this person

  • What the person looked like

  • Why you think this person is handsome or beautiful

(1)Is it easy to become beautiful?

(2)What are the disadvantages of being beautiful?

(3)Do you think children should learn how to dress well?

(4)What do people in your country think of beauty?

4. Describe a person who helps to protect the environment,You should say:

  • Who this person is

  • How this person protects the environment

  • What difficulty this person has faced

  • And how you feel about this person

(1)Do you think it is necessary to make environmental protection as a subject

(2)Is it important to teach students environmental protection at school?

(3)How can people protect the environment?

(4)What is the importance of environmental education?

5. Describe an interesting person you would like to meet,You should say:

  • who this person is

  • What this person does

  • Why you think this person is interesting

  • And what you want to do with this person

(1)Do you have many friends in your community?

(2)Do people feel safe in China?

(3)How do technology help on the relationship between people?

6. Describe an interesting old person you met,You should say:

  • Who this person was

  • How you met this person

  • What you did or talked about

  • And explain why you think this person was interesting

(1)What can old people teach young people?

(2)Do old people share the same interest with young people?

(3)Do you think old people should live with their family?

7. Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up,You should say:

  • When you first met the person

  • Who this person was

  • What the person did

  • And why you would like to become this person

(1)What good qualities do famous people have?

(2)Do you think advertisements aimed at children should be endorsed by famous people?

(3)Can you compare the past and the present of children’s life ?

(4)What kind of famous people do children like?

8. Describe an intelligent person you know,You should say:

  • Who the person is

  • How old this person is

  • What he does

  • And explain why you think he or she is intelligent

(1)Who do you think plays a more important role in a child’s development, teachers or parents?

(2)Why are some children more intelligent than others?

(3)Do you think smart people tend to be selfish?

9. Describe someone you haven’tseen before but you would like to know more,You should say:

  • Who this person is

  • How you know this person

  • Why you haven’t seen this person

  • And explain why you would like to know this person

(1)What kinds of people do you like to be friends with?

(2)Do you prefer to expand your social or be friends with a small group of people?


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