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雅思口语必考题之 work

发表时间:2019-06-04 17:29


I work for a...company which ...

I work for an international electronics company which makes tablet computers.

I work for a German company, which does market reserch for other companies.

I'm   a freelancer. 我是个自由职业者。

I‘m self-employed. 我为自己工作。

I'm a bussiness owner. 我有自己的公司。

I‘m between jobs at the moment. 我还在找工作。

I‘m taking sometime out to travel/spend with my kids/write a book/recover from an illness.

I'm retired.我退休了。


stimulating    adj. rousing or quickening activity or the senses刺激的

e.g. The atmosphere there is quite stimulating.

rewarding     providing personal satisfaction有个人成就感的adj.

e.g. There‘s nothing more rewarding than being   praised by your boss.


exhausting     producing exhaustion令人精疲力尽的adj.

e.g. It's a really exhausting job that genuinely turns me off. 这工作真的让人精疲力尽。

thankless   吃力不讨好的,不领情的      

not likely to be rewarded

e.g. My work is thankless, you know no one notices or appreciates what I do.

mind-numbing 令人麻木的,无聊透顶的

If you describe an event or experience as mind-numbing, you mean that it is so bad, boring, or great in extent that you are unable to think about it clearly.

e.g. When you do a mind-numbing job, you would probably go crazy. 你要是做一份无聊透顶的工作,你可能会被逼疯的。

dead-end 无前途的,没出路的

A dead-end job or course of action is one that you think is bad because it does not lead to further developments or progress.

e.g. I'm not into my job at all actually, since it's just like a dead-end job. I mean, I don't really know what I may get in the future, no matter   job-related skills or interpersonal skills I'm afraid. 我可一点都不喜欢我的工作,因为没啥出路呀。我是说我都不知道我在以后会学到什么,不管是工作技能还是人际交往技能都学不到呢。

soul-destroying   毁灭灵魂的,令人灰心的        

Activities or situations that are soul-destroying make you depressed, because they are boring or because there is no hope of improvement. (你也可以说soul-destroying morning commutes 早上赶地铁坐公交通勤是不是侵蚀你的灵魂)

e.g. Repetitive work can become soul-destroying after a while. 重复的工作没做多久就会令人厌烦。

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